Celebration Bermuda grass has a striking blue-green color and soft texture. It performs well in a variety of conditions and it’s top rated for drought toughness. Celebration handles cold very well and is one of the best choices for lawns, sports fields, or golf courses with high traffic and heavy use because of its aggressive growth and rapid recovery.
It requires less mowing and water than typical Bermuda grass varieties, and it affords homeowners, golf course professionals, and specifiers with the best shade tolerance among Bermuda varieties.
Color: Blue-green.
Use: Golf, commercial, sports, parks, home.
Soil: Sandy or clay.
Characteristics: Celebration is a dark-green bermudagrass selected for superior wear recovery, its lower maintenance requirements and its ability to survive in drought conditions. These qualities, and more … make it an ideal choice for beautiful, high-quality turf across the Gulf South.